
The American Museum & Gardens reopens on Saturday 15 February for a Year of Exploration. Join us from the start of February half term to enjoy a new special exhibition and a range of exciting events.

Volunteer with us



Why volunteer?

Are you looking to volunteer in Bath? We would love you to get in touch. Our friendly and knowledgeable volunteers do all kinds of interesting things at the American Museum & Gardens.

Perhaps you like heritage, history, textiles, art or gardening?

You may be keen to meet new people and be involved with a museum, garden or charitable organisation.

Or perhaps you would like to gain experience in the cultural or horticultural sectors to help with your career development?


Volunteer roles

Please read the key role profiles to find the one for you and complete the application form below or, alternatively, email [email protected] to get the ball rolling. We look forward to welcoming you!


Museum & Learning

Do you enjoy history, sharing stories and engaging with people? Then our Museum & Exhibition Volunteer Role may be for you. This role is all about ensuring the ultimate museum experience for our visitors of all ages. Your knowledge, commitment, and passion will bring to life the displays in our Period Rooms and Exhibition and help give our visitors a truly immersive, enjoyable time.

Museum & Exhibition Volunteer Role Profile

Learning Volunteer Role Profile



Are you passionate about nature, gardening, garden history or design? There are plenty of opportunities in our spectacular gardens for keen volunteer gardeners and garden guides, who give tours of the gardens. And your setting is one of the best gardens in the Southwest, with RHS – Royal Horticultural Society trained gardeners.

Gardener Volunteer Role Profile

Garden Guide Volunteer Role Profile

Herb Shop Volunteer Role Profile


Work experience

For students aged between 14 and 19, we run an exciting work experience programme. Find out more here.


Contact us today