Environmental sustainability

The American Museum & Gardens is committed to the stewardship of the land that we own. We are investing in our site to ensure it is protected for future generations.

We are working on a new Environmental Sustainability Policy with sustainability at the heart of all we do. Below are some of our recent and current initiatives supporting this work across the organisation:

  • Installation of a water borehole, using our own water to irrigate the gardens and provide fresh drinking water to the whole site.
  • Woodland management plan which includes improving the tree stock and biodiversity of over 80 acres of woodland to create a sustainable green woodland.
  • Re-stocking our parkland with native tree species – we aim to plant over 100 trees in the next few years to help absorb Co2, improving flora and fauna for bird and insect habitats.
  • Addition of beehives in our parkland to encourage bees into the gardens to pollinate the plants and protect future bee populations.
  • Working with Bath Natural History Society who monitor moth numbers and species in our gardens.
  • Protection of bat habitats by installing bat and bird boxes in our woodlands.
  • Working with ecologists to create an ecological sustainability policy.
  • Investment in battery pack technology to power garden equipment – reducing emissions from petrol-based machinery.
  • Creation of an organic policy in the gardens – reducing the need for inorganic fertilisers and toxic sprays – helping to protect the health of the plants and wildlife.
  • Utilising plants, vegetables, fruit and herbs grown in our own garden where possible and source other products for the Deli from trusted local suppliers.
  • Eliminated single use plastic from our Deli.
  • Selling reusable coffee cups and encouraging customers to use these through a reward scheme.
  • Rolling programme of replacing lighting with low-energy LED lights.
  • Investment in reusable elements for our temporary exhibitions, such as flexible walls, plinths and cases.
  • Working with local suppliers to reduce carbon footprint from travel and use of sustainable materials wherever possible.
  • Participation in the First Bus Commuter Travel Club to offer discounts to staff to encourage and support use of public transport.