
Create, play and dance all summer at our fantastic family events, and fill your days with activities and adventures. Open 7 days a week from 24 July.

Volunteer with us

Volunteers +Herb Shop

Volunteer with us

Our wonderful volunteer team lies at the very heart of the American Museum & Gardens and is made up of around 150 dedicated people, all keen to share their enthusiasm, knowledge, and passion for the decorative arts, American history, our glorious gardens and estate. Between them they donate an amazing 16,500 hours of their time, a level of commitment that makes us a really special place to start your volunteer journey.

But ask 10 of our team what motivates them to volunteer and you’ll likely get 10 different answers! So, what are you looking for from volunteering?

Perhaps you are recently retired but determined to stay mentally and physically active; maybe you live alone and want to avoid the sort of isolation that can too easily result; perhaps you feel your social life needs a boost and you are looking to make new friendships with others who share your interests. Self-fulfilment will undoubtedly be important to you and so will a burning desire to improve your own knowledge or share your passions. Or maybe you see volunteering as a stepping-stone to a future career. Or maybe it’s none of these and you have your own special reason for reaching out.

Whichever roles are the right ones for you, we’ll support you to develop through training, knowledge sharing, and social events with other volunteers and, in return for your generous support, we can promise you an amazing experience to tick all your boxes. Sound just what you’re looking for? Then please get in touch and let us start working with you to fulfil your volunteering ambitions.

Read the key role profiles to find the one for you and complete the application form below or, alternatively, email [email protected] to get the ball rolling. We look forward to welcoming you!

Museum & Exhibition Role Profile

Volunteer Gardener Role Profile

Volunteer Garden Guide Role Profile

Herb Shop Volunteer Role Profile

Learning Volunteer Role Profile

For students aged between 14 and 19, we run an exciting work experience programme. Find out more here.